So, how does He look like?

‘So, where are you from?’

‘West Bengal’

‘Wow, a Bengali! You guys have the best sweets don’t you?’

‘Yep, I’ll treat you to a handful this weekend, if you don’t mind’

‘Won’t miss it!’


‘So you must be quite attached to Lord Krishna. Bengalis are’

‘Attached, as in?’

‘You know, a role model. A figure you look up to and to whom all the day’s prayers are dedicated to’

‘No, not attached in that way. It’s tough to explain’

‘So you’re an agnostic?’


‘An agnostic. A person who doesn’t know if God is there or not’

‘No, I know for a fact He’s there! I have experienced his blessings in a lot of ways’

‘Such as?’

‘Such as, that I have no lack of resources. I have way more than enough food to eat, a roof over my head, clothes to wear, a bed to sleep on and in spite of that, we can afford a lot of luxuries as well!’

He gave me a strange look.

‘But don’t we all? I mean, every one of our friends are at the same level. Some are even richer. Jake just got his own Toyota last week’

‘Yes, but have you ever seen the strings of families living on the footpath? They have small children who need loads of protein and vitamins to grow, but being able to manage a few bites a day is a luxury for them. They wear rags on their bodies which just about covers their modesty’

‘No, that’s not what I mean. I mean, that so many other people live in the same class of economy as you do. Yet, why are you so grateful and why are you sending out prayers? Why don’t the others? I doubt Jake prays everyday. He’s the one who’s high on pot and booze every weekend. Yet he’s richer than you, not to be rude’

‘And is money the only happiness in the world? Does it mean that he’s happier than me just because he’s got a couple of pounds more in his pockets? And why do I have to mirror others? I thank Him because that’s what my character is made of’

‘Err… I meant that probably God blesses him more than you’

‘And who said that? Maybe I don’t have wardrobes full of designer clothes, but do you see me wasting my money at strip clubs? Do you see me bullying others at college who are less fortunate? God blessed him with money. But he wastes it. He wastes it on unnecessary stuff he doesn’t need. The two iPhones he’s got, for example. One is good enough, why does he need a second? His parents take their own money for granted too which is shown by the six sports cars they own’

‘I know, but do you really think these people learn?’

‘Exactly. And that’s why He’s there. He doesn’t walk past you without teaching you a lesson’

‘I agree you have enough reason to be grateful to God. But there’s one thing I’m still curious to know’


‘Whom exactly do you thank? There are so many deities out there. Who’s idol do you sit in front of to worship?’

‘Nobody’s. I don’t believe in idol worship. Neither am I attached to culture’

‘So, how does He look like? What picture of God do you have in mind?’

I looked up at the sky full of stars.

‘I don’t know how he looks, I don’t know how he sounds. But I definitely know how he feels’

Saying so, I placed a hand on my beating heart.

Author: Aranya Paul Nandi

A young, introverted deist soul who's got a story to tell.

2 thoughts on “So, how does He look like?”

  1. Truly exaggerating the very purpose of life and accepting things in an ideal way. So good!👍😇


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